
DON'T FORGET! Teachers Can Edit Guardian Emails in Skyward!

Just in case you missed it!!!! A new feature is available for teachers to use in Skyward. While on the student profile screen there is a button available for teachers to Edit Guardian Emails. If a parent gives you an email address that is not in Skyward you will now be able to add it yourself!

Click on the button found on the Student Profile screen:
Inline image 1
Highlight the guardian you wish to update and then click the EDIT button.
Enter the Home Email address and click SAVE!

Call me if you need help! X8668


Secondary Teachers! Plug in Those Categories!

Teachers! Please be sure you have setup your Categories for Second Semester! I recommend checking EACH class to be sure you are good to go. ALSO be sure to uncheck all other Categories that you are not using. You CANNOT change the Categories after this Friday, February 9th, 2018. (3rd 9 weeks Progress Report!) Check out the document here if you need help.